Trace Chemotherapy Waste Disposal

Disposing of chemotherapy waste requires a number of considerations. Trace Chemotherapy waste means discarded items which have been contaminated by Chemotherapeutic Drugs or Agents, provided that such items, including, but not limited to, gloves, disposable gowns, towels, and intravenous solution bags and attached tubing which are empty. Safety and environmental concerns are a top priority, so with this in mind, we go to great lengths to ensure proper handling, treatment and disposal. These measures will make sure that your facility is compliant and the environment is protected.


Our approach to managing Trace Chemo Medical Waste

Our process

All Trace Chemotherapy Waste is Transported by registered Hazardous Waste transporters to  our Licensed Medical Waste Incinerator Facility. Not unlike some of the other materials that we receive, high heat incineration is used for the treatment process of this chemical. This is the highest level of treatment for materials of this type.

Our differentiated value

We understand that the process of properly managing the disposal of  Trace Chemotherapy Waste can seem overwhelming and complicated but our goal is to simplify the process for our clients. We take the management of your waste very seriously.

We add value to your Trace Chemo Waste treatment and disposal needs

We can  pick up Trace Chemotherapy Waste from our  client's premises once per week or more frequently, as required by the client. We provide our clients with color-coded barrels for this specific waste. These specific color- coded barrels allows for an easy process of the desired segregation. To ensure proper segregation at your facility, employees must be properly trained that trace chemotherapy waste must never be placed in sharp containers or in red bags.